air sickness bags - the collectors site
Airline Comment Country ICAO IATA Status Start End
Pacific Airlines Vietnam PIC BL renamed 1990 2008 became Jetstar Pacific
Wanted by:
GC: 4,6,7
GL: 6,7
TH: 4,6,7
NN: 6,7
Pacific Airlines returned to its old brand name Vietnam PIC BL active 2020
Pakistan International Airlines, bags see PIA Pakistan PIA PK active 1951
PAL Philippine Air Lines see also Philippine Airlines Philippine PAL PR active 1941
GC: 1
TH: 1
Palair Macedonian Airways Macedonia PMK 3D defunct 1991 1997
GC: 2
TH: 2
Palau Pacific Airways PPA Palau PPC — active 2014
Pamir Airways Afghanistan PIR PM defunct 1994 2011
Pan Am, Pan American World Airways USA PAA PA defunct 1927 1991
GC: 5,8,10,11,12,13,19,20,23
GL: 22,23
TH: 7,8,11,15,18,19,20,22,23
WL: 23
Pantanal Linhas Aéreas integrated into TAM in 2013 Brazil PTN GP merged 1990 2013
GC: 2,3,4,5
GL: 7
TH: 2,3,4,5,7
Paramount Airways India PMW I7 defunct 2005 2010
Paramount Airways United Kingdom PAT QJ defunct 1986 1989
Passaredo Linhas Aéreas Brazil PTB 2Z renamed 1995 2019 became VoePass Linhas Aereas
GC: 6,7
GL: 1
TH: 2,7
Peach Air was part of Caledonian Airways United Kingdom KGC —- merged 1996 1999 merged with Flying Colours to form JMC Air
TH: 3
Peach Aviation Japan APJ MM active 2011
Pegasus Airlines Turkey PGT PC active 1989
GC: 5
TH: 3,7
Pelita Air Service Indonesia PAS 6D active 1963
GL: 2
WF: 2
PENTA- Pena Transporte Aéreos Brazil PEP 5P defunct 1995 2005
GC: 1,2,3
GL: 2,3
TH: 1,2,3
WF: 2,3
People Express USA PEX PE merged 1981 1987 merged into Continental Airlines
GC: 3
People’s Viennaline Austria PEV PE renamed 2010 2018 became People’s
Peruvian Airlines Peru PVN P9 defunct 2007 2019
TH: 3,4
Petro Air Libya PEO —- active 2008
Petroleum Air Services (PAS) Egypt PER UF active 1982
GC: 4,6
GL: 3
TH: 2,4,6
PGA Portugália Airlines see also Portugália Airlines Portugal PGA NI renamed 1988 2016 became TAP Express
Pharaoh Airlines Egypt PHR — defunct 1998 2003
WF: 1
Philippine Airlines see also under PAL Philippine Air Lines Philippines PAL PR active 1941
GC: 6,7,8,13,15,16,18,20,22
GL: 5,12,14,15,19
TH: 7,8,12,13,14,15,20
RS: 15
Phuket Airlines Thailand VAP 9R defunct 1999 2013
PIA Pakistan International Airlines founded 1946 as Orient Airways Pakistan PIA PK active 1951
GC: 5,6,8,9,14,16,17,18,20,21,22,28,36
GL: 3,17,24,26,27,33,35
TH: 6,8,9,15,18,19,21,22,24,28,32,33,34,35,36
Pilatus Aircraft biggest aircraft manufacturer in Switzerland Switzerland — —- active 1939
Piquiatuba Transportes Aéreos parent company is Piquiatuba Táxi Aéreo Brazil CJQ — active 2005
Play Iceland FPY OG active 2019
Pleasure Flights & Safaris Namibia —- —- active 1993
PLUNA (Primera Línea Uruguaya de Navegación Aérea) Uruguay PUA PU defunct 1936 2012
GC: 3,10,11,12,13
TH: 3,6,7,11,12,13
Plus Ultra Líneas Aéreas Spain PUE PU active 2011
PNG Air founded 1987 as Milne Bay Air, renamed 1997 in Airlines PNG Papua- New Guinea TOK CG active 2015
Pobeda Russia PBD DP active 2014
Portugália Airlines see also PGA Portugália Airlines Portugal PGA NI renamed 1988 2016 became TAP Express
Pouya Air founded 2000 as Qeshm Air, renamed Pars Air & Yas Air Iran PYA PY active 2012
Precision Air Tansania PRF PW active 1991
GC: 4
GL: 4,6
TH: 1,4,6,7
PREMIAIR created by merger of Scanair and Conair Danmark VKG DK merged 1994 2002 became MyTravel Airways
TH: 3,5
President Airlines Cambodia PSD TO defunct 1997 2007
GC: 1,4,5
GL: 3,5
TH: 3,4,5
WF: 5
Presidential Airways USA —- XV defunct 1985 1989
Primera Air founded 2003 as JetX Danmark PRI PF defunct 2008 2018
PrivatAir Switzerland PTI PV defunct 1977 2018
Privilege Style Spain PVG P6 active 2003
Pulkovo Airlines Russia PLK FV merged 1992 2006 merged with Rossija
GC: 8,9
TH: 6,8
Puma Air Brazil PLY Z4 defunct 2002 2011
TH: 1,3