air sickness bags - the collectors site
Airline Comment Country ICAO IATA Status Start End
Siberia Airlines Russia SBI S7 renamed 1992 2006 became S7 Airlines
Wanted by:
GC: 1
GL: 1
TH: 1
WL: 1
Sichuan Airlines operated earlier as SCAL China CSC 3U active 1986
GC: 7,14
GL: 7,12,14
TH: 7,12,14
RS: 7
XC: 14
Siem Reap Airways Cambodia SRH FT defunct 2000 2008
GC: 3
GL: 3
Sierra Leone Airlines 1958 founded as Sierra Leone Airways Sierra Leone SLA LJ renamed 1983 1987 became Sierra National Airlines
Silk Air 1975 founded as Tradewinds Singapore SLK MI merged 1992 2018 merged into Singapore Airlines
GC: 4,5
Silver Air Czechoslavia SLD — active 1995
Silver Cloud Air Germany SCR — active 1982
Silverstone Air Kenya SLR K5 defunct 2017 2019
Simrik Airlines Nepal RMK —- active 2009
TH: 1,2,3
RS: 3
Singapore Airlines Singapore SIA SQ active 1971
Wanted by;
GC: 11,12,20,25,26
GL: 12,32
TH: 11,25,26,32
Sita Air Nepal STA —- active 2000
Sky Airlines Chile SKU H2 active 2001
GC: 1,2,6,8
GL: 4,6,8
TH: 2,6,8
RS: 6
WL: 8
Sky Airlines Turkey SHY ZY defunct 2000 2013
Sky Angkor Airlines founded in 2010 as Skywings Asia Cambodia SWM ZA active 2014
Sky Aviation Indonesia SYA SY defunct 2010 2014
Sky Europe Airlines Slovakia ESK NE defunct 2001 2009
Sky Express Greece SEH GQ active 2005
GC: 2.8
GL: 1,2,5
TH: 1,2,5,7,8
RS: 2
Sky Greenland founded 2013 as Greenland Express Denmark DNM G6 defunct 2016 2016
SkyBus Airways Greece CLY JX defunct 1995 2000
WF: 1
Skyjet Airlines official name is Magnum Air Philippines MSJ M8 active 2005
GC: 2
Skyline Airways Nepal —- SK defunct 1998 2006
Skyline NEPC (Natural Energy Processing Co) former Damania Airways India NEP D5 defunct 1995 1997
GC: 1,2
GL: 2
TH: 2
WF: 2
Skymark Airlines Japan SKY BC active 1996
GC: 5
GL: 5,8
TH: 5,8
AH: 5
Skyservice Canada SSV 5G defunct 1986 2010
SkyStar Airways Thailand SKT XT defunct 2005 2009
Skyward Express Kenya SEW OW active 2010
Skyways Express Sweden SKX JZ defunct 1993 2012
SkyWest Airlines USA SKW OO active 1972
SkyWork Airlines Switzerland SRK SX defunct 1983 2018
SMAC Sabang Merauke Raya Air Charter Indonesia SMC —- defunct 1969 2011
Small Planet Airlines Lithuania LLC S5 defunct 2010 2018
Small Planet Airlines Germany LLX 5P defunct 2015 2018
SmartLynx Airlines founded 1992 as LatCharter Latvia LYX 6Y active 2008
Smartwings Czech Republic TVS QS active 2004
GC: 2,3,4
TH: 3,4
SNA Skynet Asia Airways Japan SNJ LQ renamed 1997 2011 became Solaseed Air
SN Brussels Airlines Belgium SAB SN merged 2002 2008 merged with Virgin Express into Brussels Airlines
Sobelair Belgium SLR Q7 defunct 1946 2004
Sol Lineas Aereas Argentina OLS 8R defunct 2006 2016
Sol Linhas Aereas Brazil SBA —- defunct 2008 2016
Solaseed founded 2002 as SNA Skynet Asia Airways Japan SNJ 6J active 2011
Solid Air Netherlands SOX —- defunct 2002 2011
Solomon Airlines founded 1962 as Megapode Airlines Solomon Islands SOL IE active 1984
Somali Airlines Somalia SOM HH defunct 1964 1991
TH: 1,2
Somon Air Tajikistan SMR SZ active 2008
GC: 2,4
SonAir Airline Services in the beginning operating as Sonangol Angola SOR — defunct 1998 2019
Song USA DAL DL defunct 2003 2006 integrated into Delta Air Lines
South African Airways SAA South Africa SAA SA active 1934
GC: 6,11,18,21
GL: 14,17,22
TH: 14,15,18,21,22
Southern Winds Airlines Argentina SWD A4 defunct 1996 2005
GC: 2,5
GL: 2,5
Southwest Air Lines SWAL Japanese name Nansei Koku Japan —- NU renamed 1967 1993 became JTA Japan Transocean Air
Southwest Airlines founded as Air Southwest in 1967 USA SWA WN active 1971
GC: 4