air sickness bags - the collectors site
Airline Comment Country ICAO IATA Status Start End
V Australia Australia VAU VA merged 2009 2011 Virgin Blue, Pacific Blue and V Australia merged into Virgin Australia
Air Vanuatu Vanuatu AVN NF active 1981
Wanted by:
TH: 1
Varesh Airlines Iran VRH active 2018
GC: 1
VARIG (Viacao Aerea Rio-Grandense) Brazil VRG RG defunct 1927 2009
GC: 1,7,12,16,18,21,23,26,27,30,31,33,35,36,38,42
GL: 19,20,27,30,31,33,35,38,39,40,41,42
TH: 6,7,18,19,20,21,25,26,27,29,30,31,33,35,36,38,39,40,41,42
WL: 30,35,42
WF: 31
NN: 33
AH: 38
VASCO (Vietnam Air Service Co) Vietnam — 0V active 1996
GC: 3
VASO Airlines Russia VSO — defunct 1999 2006
GC: 2
TH: 2
VASP (Viacao Aerea de Sao Paulo) Brazil VSP VP defunct 1933 2005
GC: 4,6,8, 9,10,11,15,17,19,20,22
GL: 4,6,8,12,14,19,20,22,23
TH: 4,9,10,11,12,14,15,17,18,19,20,22,23
WF: 4
WL: 19,22
RS: 20
Vayudoot became Air India India renamed 1981 1998
GC: 1,2
GL: 2
TH: 1,2
AH: 2
Venus Airlines became Princess Airlines Greece VER V4 renamed 1993 1996
VIA (Bulgarian Airways), see under Air Via Bulgaria VIM VL defunct 1990 2016
Viabrasil Linhas Aéreas Brazil defunct 1999 2002
GL: 1
WF: 1
VIASA (Venezolana Internacional de Aviacion, SA) Venezuela VIA VA defunct 1961 1997
GC: 6
GL: 1,6
TH: 3,4,6
WF: 6
VietJet Air Vietnam VJC VJ active 2011
GC: 4
GL: 4
TH: 4
WL: 4
Vietnam Airlines founded as Vietnam Civil Aviation Department in 1956 Vietnam HVN VN active 1956
GC: 8,11,12,13,18,19,26,27
GL: 1,18,19,27
TH: 9,13,19,27
PM: 19
NN: 27
Vietravel Airlines Vietnam VAG VU active 2020
Viking Airlines Sweden VIK 4P defunct 2003 2011
Viking Hellas Greece VKH VQ defunct 2009 2011
VIM Airlines (VIM Avia) Russia MOV NN defunct 2002 2017
VIP Air (Vuelos Internos Privados) Ecuador VUR V6 merged 1997 2012 merged with AeroGal in 2012
GL: 3
TH: 1,2,3
Vipair Airlines Kazakhstan VPA 9V defunct 1996 1999
Virgin America USA VRD VX active 2004
Virgin Atlantic Airways UK VIR VS active 1984
GC: 6,11,14
TH: 10,15
Virgin Atlantic Cargo UK active
Virgin Australia Australia VOZ VA active 2000
GC: 3,5
GL: 5
TH: 3,5
WL: 5
Virgin Blue Australia VOZ DJ active 2000
GL: VB10,VB11,V1,V3
TH: CD22,VB10,VB11
Virgin Express 1991 founded as Euro Belgian Belgium VEX TV merged 1996 2007 merged with SN Brussels Airlines to form Brussels Airlines
Virgin Nigeria became Nigerian Eagle Airline Nigeria VGN VK renamed 2005 2009
Virgin Sun UK VIR VS defunct 1998 2001
Vistara – Tata SIA Airlines ltd. India VTI UK active 2013
GL: 1,3
TH: 2,3
Viva Air (Vuelos Internacionales de Vacaciones) Spain VIV FV defunct 1988 1999
GC: 3,4,6
TH: 3,5,6
Viva Colombia Colombia VVC VH defunct 2008 2023
Viva Macau Macau VVM ZG defunct 2006 2010
Vladivostok Air (Avia) Russia VLK XF merged 1994 2014 merged with SAT Airlines into Aurora Airlines
GL: 1,2
NN: 2
VLM (Vlaamse Luchttransportmaatschappij) Belgium VLM VG defunct 1992 2018
Vnukovo Airlines Russia VKO V5 defunct 1993 2001
Volar Airlines became LTE Spain LTE XO renamed 2003 2005
GC: 2,3
Volare Airlines Italy VLE VE defunct 1998 2004 became Alitalia Italy VLE VA renamed 1998 2009
Volaris Mexico VOI Y4 active 2006
GC: 7,8,10
GL: 2,5,7,8,9,10
TH: 3,7,8,9,10
WL: 7,8,10
Volate Sunshine Switzerland
Vueling Airlines Spain VLG VY active 2004
GC: 9,12
TH: 1,3,12